Covid-19 useful information and where to get helpUseful websites
There is so much information available from a multitude of sources about C-19. To help you get to the right information for you and your business, we've collected some useful links together in one place. We'll be adding to them as we go along.
TB testing during C-19: for a useful Q and A on how TB testing is affected by coronavirus,click here
For information about Council Tax relief, click here
MIND mental health advice – CV19: MIND's website has lots of useful information about how to cope during the coronavirus pandemic, click here for more details
Information, advice and guidance from the farming organisations: NFU CLA TFA (may require membership login)
Visit the FCN "Farmwell" website for help and advice for your farm business
Government guidance and links to websites - Business issues
Information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses:click here for information from RPA and Defra on countryside stewardship, BPS, etc
Support grants for self-employed, sole traders and partners in business: get Government guidance here on how to claim support if you are self-employed
Government Job Retention Scheme (furlough): find out more and how to claim, here
Advice for businesses trading internationally from the Department of International Trade:click here
General Government advice for employers, businesses and employees: includes information on statutory sick pay, staying safe and the job retention scheme click here
Click herefor guidance on the three-month extension of filing accounts with Companies House
If you are a landlord, click here for guidance on the ban on evictions for commercial tenants and for general commercial landlord/tenant coronavirus guidance, click here
Guidance for anyone running commercial holiday lets, campsites, hostels or other accommodation, can be found here
If you qualify for a Small Business Grant (rateable value under £15,000) or think you can claim under the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grantplease click herefor guidance on whether you qualify and how to apply.
The Bounce Back loan, announced by Government on 28 April, means that small and medium sized businesses can apply for a loan of up to £50,000. Find out more
Government guidance and links to websites - General and health issues
What to do if you suspect someone in your family has coronavirus symptoms:click here for guidance
Protecting vulnerable people guidance:click here
Government guidance and links to websites - Transport issues
MOT due on cars, vans and motorcycles? Read the Government guidance here
MOT due on lorries, buses and trailers? Read the Government guidance here
If you run a transport company, please click here for advice and information.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the links, please email if there's something wrong!
- CLA (Country Land & Business Association): A membership organisation for owners of land, property and business in rural England and Wales. The CLA is dedicated to defending the interests of landowners and is an independent and authoritative source of advice.
Lincolnshire Agricultural Society: The Society was formed in 1869 with the objectives being: “The furtherance, welfare and progress of the Agricultural Industry and all professions, trades and crafts connected therewith”. Today, those objectives are more important than ever and since 2005 the Society has had the additional focus of sustainability and protection of our natural environment for the benefit of future generations.
- Lincolnshire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs: A rural youth organisation that is open to young people between the ages of 10 and 26yrs who live in Lincolnshire.
- NFU (National Farmers' Union): The voice of British Farming providing professional representation for its 55,000 members.
- RASE (Royal Agricultural Society of England): Committed to communicating groundbreaking technology for the benefit of agriculture. To be the independent voice for the interpretation and application of science and best practice that seeks to optimise agriculture and food resources to ensure a secure global future.
- TFA (Tenant Famers' Association): Provides dedicated advice, information and support to the agricultural tenanted sector in England and Wales.
- Agricultural Christian Fellowship: The Agricultural Christian Fellowship (ACF) is open to all Christians in all branches of Agriculture, Horticulture and related activities. It exists to help them to make a Christian response to the many blessings, challenges and problems they face.
ARC – Addington Fund: Provides homes for farming families living in England and Wales who have to leave the industry and by doing so will lose their home, and also offers emergency grants in times of hardship.
Arthur Rank Centre: A registered charity supported by the Churches and the Rank Foundation to serve the rural community and its churches.
Citizens Advice: Help people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice, and by influencing policymakers.
Connect to Support Lincolnshire to Support is an online, telephone, email and live chat service. Telephone (0300 303 8789) and live chat are available Monday to Friday 2 pm - 7 pm and Saturday 10 am - 2 pm.
- Farm Community Network: provides pastoral and practical support, to any and all in the farming community who might one day need them, for as long as it is needed – helping people to find a positive way forward through their problems.
Farming Help: A partnership of the Addington Fund, FCN and RABI- confidential help for all in the farming community
- Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services: Promotes "the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of the inhabitants of Lincolnshire" focusing particularly on the provision (though not exclusively) "of ecumenical Christian chaplaincy and pastoral care to places of work, education and leisure".
- Lincs Digital: Lincs Digital offers community and online-based courses on a wide variety of subjects to help you get the most from your computer, learn to communicate or use IT for pleasure or business. Visit the website to find out more.
- Lincs Training: Offers help and support for rural business with the use of digital to improve productivity and reduce running costs. The courses are both community-based and online and can be tailored to your needs. Lincs Training has been working with the Princes Countryside Fund for many years across Lincolnshire. They have trained many farming families on livestock passports, online banking to reduce costs and office packages to help run their businesses more effectively. They process online VAT for some farming families and support the pesticide testing across Lincolnshire. They are actively working within the farming communities all the time. Visit for information and contact details.
- Nottinghamshire Rural Support: NRS is dedicated to providing free volunteer support to walk with farmers and others who are experiencing a crisis or are unable to cope in their life or business
- Lincolnshire Counselling: Lincolnshire Counselling and Mediation Service is a charity offering professional counselling and mediation services to the Lincolnshire community. Our counsellors are all volunteers and we work within the Code of Ethics of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
- RABI: The national farming charity, operating throughout England and Wales with central operations are based in Oxford, with regional officers in both the welfare and fundraising departments working at a local level.
- Perennial: The UK’s only charity dedicated to helping people who work in horticulture when times get tough.
- Victim Support: Victim Support is an independent charity supporting people affected by crime and traumatic incidents, providing free, confidential and tailored help, regardless of whether they have reported the crime to the police or when it occurred and for as long as it is needed. You can contact the Lincolnshire team on 01522 781025 from 9am - 5pm, or the out of hours Supportline on 0808 1689111 or self-refer through the website
- Voluntary Centre Services (Lincoln): Supports volunteers and voluntary and community organisations across West Lincolnshire. VCS offers help to anyone wishing to set up a group, funding advice and access to news and networks in the voluntary and community sector and deliver a programme of volunteer management training which is available for anyone who finds themselves with responsibility for volunteers.
- BBC Radio Lincolnshire Website: Farming programme Sundays 7 am
Lincs FM Radio Website: Farming Programme, Sundays at 7 am
- Animal Health (Previously State Veterinary Service): To safeguard animal health and welfare as well as public health, protect the economy and enhance food security through research, surveillance and inspection.
- BCMS (British Cattle Movement Service) Responsible for maintaining a database of all bovine animals in the United Kingdom, except for Northern Ireland
- Defra: UK government department responsible for policy and regulations on environmental, food and rural issues with priorities to grow the rural economy, improve the environment and safeguard animal and plant health.
Farming Advice Service (FAS): The Farming Advice Service (FAS) is a service funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to help farms meet the requirement of the single farm payment, protect and enhance the environment and increase business efficiency.
FWAG: The national FWAG Association represents local Farming & Wildlife Advisory Groups (FWAGs) across the UK. These groups have helped British farmers for over five decades by providing trusted, independent environmental advice.
- Natural England: Natural England is the government’s adviser on the natural environment providing practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard England’s natural wealth for the benefit of everyone.
RPA (Rural Payments Agency): The paying agency for the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) schemes in England, making payments to farmers, traders and landowners and payments on behalf of Natural England, and manage over 40 schemes to help ensure a healthy rural economy and strong rural communities.
Trading Standards: Government body that enforces consumer-related legislation.

Waynflete Charitable Trust has been helping LRSN for several years now. We are particularly interested in helping organisations/projects based in South Lincolnshire. We provide funding for the training of both volunteers and staff employed by charities and similar organisations, as well as supporting local charities and projects with core day to day costs, an area which is so vital, but not always easy to secure funds. We are pleased to be able to continue to support LRSN with their casework and training costs.
Michael Worth
Talk to us on our helpline:
0800 138 1710