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Covid-19 - some useful links for further information

Useful websites

There is so much information available from a multitude of sources about C-19. To help you get to the right information for you and your business, we've collected some useful links together in one place. We'll be adding to them as we go along.

TB testing CV19: for a useful Q and A on how TB testing is affected by coronavirus, click here

For information about Council Tax relief, click here

MIND mental health advice – CV19: MIND's website has lots of useful information about how to cope during the coronavirus pandemic, click here for more details

Information, advice and guidance from the farming organisations:   NFU   CLA    TFA  (may require membership login)

Visit the FCN "Farmwell" website for help and advice for your farm business

Government guidance and links to websites - Business issues

Information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses:click here for information from RPA and Defra on countryside stewardship, BPS, etc

Support grants for self-employed, sole traders and partners in business:  get Government guidance here on how to claim support if you are self-employed

Government Job Retention Scheme (furlough): find out more and how to claim, here

Advice for businesses trading internationally from the Department of International Trade:click here

General Government advice for employers, businesses and employees: includes information on statutory sick pay, staying safe and the job retention scheme click here

Click herefor guidance on the three-month extension of filing accounts with Companies House 

If you are a landlord, click here for guidance on the ban on evictions for commercial tenants and for general commercial landlord/tenant coronavirus guidance, click here

Guidance for anyone running commercial holiday lets, campsites, hostels or other accommodation, can be found here 

If you qualify for a Small Business Grant (rateable value under £15,000) or think you can claim under the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant please click here for guidance on whether you qualify and how to apply.

The Bounce Back loan, announced by Government on 28 April, means that small and medium sized businesses can apply for a loan of up to £50,000. Find out more

Government guidance and links to websites - General and health issues

What to do if you suspect someone in your family has coronavirus symptoms:click here for guidance

Protecting vulnerable people guidance:click here

Government guidance and links to websites - Transport issues

MOT due on cars, vans and motorcycles? Read the Government guidance here 

MOT due on lorries, buses and trailers? Read the Government guidance here

If you run a transport company, please click here for advice and information.

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the links, please email if there's something wrong!