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Join us in Mental Health Awareness Week

LRSN will be joining hundreds of organisations and many thousands of individuals to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, from 18 – 24 May.

Please help us to spread the word that It’s OK not to be OK. Help is available if you’re struggling to come to terms with life, especially in these difficult and challenging times. The psychological and social impacts of coronavirus will be long-lasting, longer than the virus lasts, perhaps.

The theme for this year’s awareness week is kindness. We’ll be joining with the Mental Health Foundation and many others to celebrate and promote acts of kindness, however big or small, however they’re given.

Mark Rowland, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation says: “We have chosen kindness because of its singular ability to unlock our shared humanity. Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solidarity. It is a cornerstone of our individual and collective mental health. Wisdom from every culture across history recognises that kindness is something that all human beings need to experience and practise to be fully alive.

“…We want to use the week to explore the sort of society we would like to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic.”

During Mental Health Awareness Week, the Mental Health Foundation is asking you to do three things: 

  • Reflect on an act of kindness. Share your stories and pictures (with permission) of kindness during the week using #KindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek on social media
  • Use our resources in your family, school, workplace and community to join with thousands in practising acts of kindness to yourself and others during the week
  • Share your ideas on how you think we could build a kinder society that would support our mental health using #KindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenes

Find out more about the campaign, download resources and read more from the Mental Health Foundation, here