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Lockdown learning - some (more) ideas

The prospect of "back to school" for our kids is still over a month away and then only for some age groups. And as we know, the farm environment is only for supervised, safe play. So if you're looking for fun and educational things to occupy little minds, here are a few resources that centre learning principles around food, farming and the countryside. And if you are a teacher searching for ideas for online learning, there are some excellent sites and curriculum-linked lessons to download.

Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's Armchair Agriculture has a range of curriculum-based activities, from colouring to cooking, model making to maths, to engage and educate. Visit the website to find out more.

NFU Education has won awards for its Farm Science, Farmvention and Farming STEMterprise projects. Visit the website, here, to learn more about these excellent resources. And for teachers, click on the NFU Education website to find out how you can join the growing band of professionals who're utilising these great resources.

#LockdownLearning is a new initiative between NFU and the EatFarmNow team of farmers. It provides exciting educational farming activities and videos for children while they are away from school, helping to build their knowledge of science and technology alongside learning all about food production. Visit the website for a wide range of activities and some great farmer-made vlogs on all sorts of different topics.

The lovely people at the East of England Agricultural Society's Kids Country event have produced a series of exciting, hands-on learning activities centred around food, farming and the countryside. Visit the website to access a great range of colourful and fun activities.

Food a fact of Life websiteis a comprehensive, progressive, education programme which communicates up-to-date, evidence-based, consistent and accurate messages around ‘food’ to all those involved in education. It is managed by the British Nutrition Foundation and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB). is the website for primary-school parents who want to help their children with their education and make sure they stay healthy, have fun and get the best possible start in life. You can sign up to receive resources tailored to the age and ability of your children on a wide range of subjects including test papers for SATS. There is a useful section of information and activities on food and farming.

And don't forget Online Farm Sunday, on 7 June, when LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) will be running a day of virtual farm tours, information and fun activities via its Facebook and Twitter accounts. Follow #LOFS20 and find out more about the day, here.