Want to Help?

LRSN would not exist without volunteers. Significantly nearly everyone within LRSN is a volunteer. Without their commitment we could not function and meet the needs of our clients - they are our link to rural communities all over Lincolnshire.

Volunteering for LRSN is a great way to share your enthusiasm, skills and ideas by making a positive contribution to Lincolnshire's rural and agricultural community and we hope that our volunteers gain as much from their volunteering experience with LRSN as the benefit that their help will bring to our clients and organisation.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities to volunteer with LRSN, please click here to contact us to discuss what opportunities may be available.



Trustee / Director

Our Trustee/Director role is a voluntary post.

Becoming a trustee will give you the opportunity to use your enthusiasm, initiative, passion and experience to make a real difference in people’s lives.

Trustee/Directors need to have a range of skills and experience, who may have worked in the public or private sectors.

Our Trustees meet for Board Meetings for approximately three hours, four times a year with two additional ‘Staff/Trustee Away Days’. Meetings are currently held near Lincoln.

Trustee Role Description


To maintain and promote the reputation of the organisation by establishing and maintaining the essential purpose or mission of the organisation, guarding its vision and values by developing short, medium and long-term strategy in compliance with the organisations governing document, ensuring accountability to regulatory organisations, compliance with the law and accountable to donors, beneficiaries, staff, volunteers, and the general public.  

Duties and Responsibilities

  • To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, organisation law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • To ensure that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document
  • To ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives, i.e. the organisation must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objectives, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are
  • To contribute actively to the board of trustees' role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
  • To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation
  • To represent the company at functions and meetings as appropriate
  • To declare any conflict of interest while carrying out the duties of a trustee
  • To be collectively responsible for the actions of the organisation and other trustees
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation
  • To abide by the equal opportunities policy
  • To ensure the financial stability of the organisation
  • To protect and manage the property of the organisation and to ensure the proper investment of the organisation's funds
  • To make sure the organisation is properly insured against all reasonable liabilities
  • To appoint and support the employees and monitor their performance
  • In addition to the above statutory duties of all trustees, each trustee should use any specific knowledge or experience they have to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinizing board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, and providing advice and guidance requested by the board on new initiatives, or other issues relevant to the area of, the organisation's work in which the trustee has
  • To attend meetings, and to read papers in advance of meetings
  • To attend sub-committee meetings as appropriate
  • To participate in other tasks as arise from time to time, such as interviewing new staff, helping with fundraising
  • To keep informed about the activities of the organisation and wider issues which affect its work


Visits Team (Caseworkers)

Our Visits Team (Caseworkers) roles are voluntary posts


Ensure people who request a visit (clients) are offered a listening ear, advocacy and access to a partner organisation for information and advice where appropriate


To be allocated amongst members of the team by the Health and Wellbeing Lead

Personal Visits:

  • Team members to arrange and attend visits to people requesting this service (clients) according to procedure
  • Team members to complete caseworker log sheets and other relevant paperwork for dealing with cases and refer to the Health and Wellbeing Lead on a weekly basis
  • Offer confidential emotional support and advocacy to clients
  • Request permission from clients to record such details as is necessary to help you provide support
  • Record relevant information using the client case notes and client casework form which should be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Lead by post or email on a weekly basis
  • Provide further information on services available to the client should they request it from a specified list of approved services LRSN are happy to recommend.
  • Contact the organisations that provide these services, on behalf of the client should they request it
  • Obtain permission from the client to pass on details about their situation to organisations you contact on their behalf.
  • Maintain confidentiality of client casework at all times, only sharing information within LRSN where the case requires.
  • If the client indicates that he/she may do harm to himself/herself or others, that minors may be at risk, or that terrorism or money laundering may be involved, the appropriate authorities should be informed.
  • Contact the Health and Wellbeing Lead regularly to express any queries or concerns, both about the service and on a personal level and receive guidance.
  • Utilise the other members of the volunteer team and the Samaritans helpline to obtain emotional support for yourself where a case has been difficult. 
  • If you recognise or know the client, or they recognise or know you, sensitively offer them the choice to speak to another team member if they wish.

All Visits Team members:

  • Provide support to team members following difficult cases where appropriate
Helpline Team

Our Helpliner roles are voluntary posts


Ensure the helpline provides an effective listening service and access to the visits team for callers


Head of Charity/Health and Wellbeing Lead:

  • Receive weekly call reports from helpline provider and file for reference
  • Collate statistics from the weekly reports to demonstrate how the service is accessed and pass on to the Co-Ordinator at agreed intervals
  • Ensure team members have call log sheets and other relevant paperwork for taking calls on the helpline
  • Review the helpline service regularly to identify areas for improving the service

Helpline Team:

  • Provide information about your availability to take calls
  • Answer helpline calls using your preferred greeting
  • Offer confidential emotional support and advocacy to callers
  • Request permission from callers to record such details as is necessary to help you provide support
  • Record relevant information using the enquiry log form which should be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Lead by post or email on a weekly basis
  • Provide further information on services available to the caller should they request it from a specified list of approved services LRSN are happy to recommend.
  • Contact the organisations that provide these services, on behalf of the caller should they request it
  • Obtain permission from the caller to pass on details about their call to organisations you contact on their behalf or to the caseworker who will visit them
  • Complete case notes form and client casework form where appropriate
  • Arrange visits from their local caseworker for the caller should they request it
  • Forward case notes form and client casework form to the caseworker where a visit has been arranged or the organisation contacted on the callers behalf, if you have their permission
Fundraising and Marketing Taskforce

Our Fundraising and Marketing Taskforce is run by volunteers

(Previously known as PIPS)


  • Carry out the marketing function of the organisation, including representing LRSN at events, giving presentations to organisations and organising events and products to generate funds, with a view to raising LRSN’s profile and funds.
  • Search out significant sponsors and organisations, both locally and nationally, to promote LRSN and encourage them to support and fund our work on an ongoing basis.

Duties: To be allocated amongst members of the team

  • Attend Fundraising and Marketing Taskforce meetings as appropriate, approx. 8 per year. Volunteers can choose to be members of one or both teams, depending on their skills and the time commitment they could make. The groups to meet separately, alternating on a six-weekly basis, with a staff member and trustees present as appropriate.
  • Agree on a chairperson from the team to run the meetings and for internal communication and a secretary to act as note-taker for the meetings
  • Develop and implement promotion plans to achieve the purposes outlined above
  • Lead promotional and fundraising activities to achieve those purposes including presenting to outside organisations, individuals and groups to promote LRSN and its work with the aim of raising funds and seeking support
  • Attend and represent LRSN at shows and events being mindful of the good reputation of the organisation
  • Support the rest of the group to promote the service at their chosen level
  • To participate in the LRSN annual training programme where appropriate
  • Ensure compliance with GDPR for all marketing and promotional activities
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of publicity and promotion activity to ensure it achieves its purpose
  • Report to the board via the Head of Charity report, or for significant projects, a proposal to the board with the support/sponsorship of a trustee is required
  • Where projects require authorisation of expenditure, referral via the Communications and Fundraising Manager, to the Head of Charity, Executive team or full board for approval, is required
Events Team

Our Events Team is run by our volunteers

Events Team Role Description

Purpose: Support the Head of Charity and the Communications and Fundraising Manager to promote the charity through the organisation and running of profile and fund raising events and distribution of PR material.

Duties: To be allocated amongst the members of the events team

  • To assist the Communications and Fundraising Manager in the organisation, set up and running of events to include the AGM, Charity Golf Day, Charity Race Day, Charities Dinner, County Harvest Festival, Open Farm Sunday and any other events that occur throughout the year.
  • Support other members of the event team to run and promote events at their chosen level.
  • Attend event meetings when required.
  • Attend and represent LRSN at shows and events throughout the year.
  • Support the Communications and Fundraising Manager to produce and distribute promotional material where required
Friends of LRSN

LRSN is made up of people who are passionate about making a difference to the future and lives of Lincolnshire’s rural and agricultural community and have experience in our areas of work.

Our “Friends of LRSN” want to make a difference and be part of an enthusiastic team of people who feel the same.


  • Promote the service with the aim of making it an effective option for those in the farming community seeking emotional support; publicise LRSN with the aim of attracting funding and new volunteers.

Duties: To be allocated amongst members of the “Friends of LRSN” team

  • Help us to spread the word and raise the profile of what we do
  • Lead/help with promotional and fundraising activities to achieve that purpose
  • Employ their individual skills to support LRSN to promote the service
  • Attend and represent LRSN at shows/events
Spread the Word
  • Posters, leaflets info packs available from Sarah Poucher, email sarah.poucher@lrsn.co.uk
  • Tell others about us
  • Ask us to your events


Other Ways to Help

Referrals To Our Service

See our What We Do page.

Work For Us

The application window for the vacancy for a part-time administrator post has now closed. However, please keep an eye out on our social media posts and this website for news of further vacancies.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering for us, please view our Want to Help information, see below.


Approximately 50 volunteers currently work for LRSN in a number of capacities.

If you have read the Want to Help page and would like to discuss becoming a volunteer for LRSN please email sarah.poucher@lrsn.co.uk

Your appointment as a volunteer will be subject to references and in some cases DBS checks. For full details see our recruitment process please click here.

Fundraising - Sponsorship & Events

Throughout the year there are many different opportunities to support us, please contact Sarah Poucher on 07738 741150, email sarah.poucher@lrsn.co.uk



The funding of LRSN relies on the generosity of individuals, companies and partners.

You can support the work of LRSN and help us walk with the farming and rural community through tough times HERE

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View our signup form by clicking here.

Quote markQuote mark

I am involved with helping to organise the Lincolnshire Rural Charities Dinner and it never ceases to amaze me the generosity from people, both financially and giving up their time to help. The Dinner takes a lot of hard work from a comparatively small group of people but the reward of raising a huge amount of money and more importantly giving everyone a great night out, truly makes up for it!

Della Armstrong

Talk to us on our helpline:

0800 138 1710